0.45x DSLR Wide Angle Conversion Lens 58mm / 67mm for CANON PENTAX NIKON 82mm front
Wide-Angle lens:
- The camera's angle of view by multiplying the camcorder, digital/video camera by 0.45 times, which more than doubles the angle of view of the camera. Great for landscapes or recording in situations where a little creative curvature of field or fish-eye effects, is wanted for a certain style. This is has one aluminum casing and two elements of lenses. These are add-on lenses for shooting wide angle photography
Proud to offer you these Quality Japanese manufactured lenses. The .45x Corrected Wide Angle lenses will deliver high output razor sharp images with all your applications and are perfect for all photographic situations.
Let the Corrected Wide Angle lens widen the field of view for you. Put this lens on your camera and it instantly doubles your field of view without that FishEye effect. When you can't tell the house to 'move back', add the Corrected Wide Angle lens and capture more of the image. Allows objects near and far to be in focus at the same time.
Perfect for all applications:
Cityscapes? Outdoor Panoramas? Room Interiors? Group Shots ? Sporting Events ? Surveillance ? Real Estate
Insurance ? Travel ? Wildlife Nature Photos
Skateboarders Dream Lens and pure enjoyment.
Don't just take a picture of the corner, show the whole room without that ring like effect fisheyes give! Installation is a breeze, so you're only moments away from a monster field of vision.
Not only does it make it easier to shoot because you don't have to worry as much about exposure and focus, the shots look really cool. People want to see people; close-ups of faces and heads. Corrected Wide Angle lens allows you to get really close, filling up the frame with the whole family in one shot.
Macro ring can be independently used, but wide angle part must be used with macro ring altogether.
0.45x Pro Super Wide Angle Corrected with Macro
High Quality Digital Optics
High Grade Lenses (Wide Angle & Macro)
Triple-Coated lens (UV, Glare & Infrared)
High Speed AF/M (Autofocus & Manual compatible)
Infrared compatible
Ultra Compact & Light Weight Titanium Barrel Housing
High Resolution Precision Optics, Day or Night
Package Included
- 0.45x Wide angle conversion lens
- Front + rear lens caps
- Case + cleaning cloth